

If you would like to donate an electronic device for a teardown/review, please get in touch. If you are located in the United States or Canada, I’ll do my best to restore it to working condition and ship it back to you. If you would like to support my efforts, donations help fund the purchase of tools for my workshop. Otherwise, I enjoy collaborating on deeply technical topics so if you have ideas for articles or wish to swap article content, please let me know below.

Tech support, questions, and comments

For technical questions/comments related to a specific article, please leave a comment on the article so all readers can gain the benefit of the discussion. If my articles or emails help you, consider donating to a local charitable organization that helps youth develop technical skills.

Custom design work

I do design consulting, reverse engineering, CAD, and 3D-printing in Seattle. You can use the MakeXYZ service to order parts/services from me or contact me directly below. Some of my designs are available on Printables.


To request a product review or provide additional details on a reviewed product, please get in touch using the form below. While I am not interested in sponsored posts or direct advertising, if you do have ideas for articles that align with the blog, I am keen to hear about them. My review terms are simple:

  • I will not accept payment for reviews
  • I am happy to receive products directly but will not participate in reimbursement or amazon review schemes
  • I will provide an honest and unbiased review where vendors are not able to directly influence the content.
  • If I discover major flaws with the product, I will always reach out to the vendor to better understand the issues and provide the vendor an opportunity to explain/correct before publishing.

Contact form